Monthly Tarot for March 2019

Monthly Tarot for March 2019

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Now that the lunar transits and the monthly geomancy posts are up on the blog, it’s time to turn our attention to what the tarot cards have to say for March. I’m using the Wildwood Tarot deck for this month’s divination because I need a little forest wisdom after all that’s been happening, snowpocalypse included. I’ve also been re-reading Jean Auel’s Earth’s Children series, so that’s influencing my choice as well. And as always, I’ll use a three card format, with the first card serving as significator and the remaining cards as general influences. But first, let’s take a look at how the cards break down:

  • Vessels/Cups ~ Water Element ~ 4 cards
  • Arrows/Swords ~ Air Element ~ 3 cards
  • Stones/Pentacles ~ Earth Element ~ 1 card
  • Bows/Wands ~ Fire Element ~ 0 cards
  • Aces ~ 2 (Arrows, Cups)
  • Major Arcana ~ 4 cards
  • Court cards ~ 3 cards
  • Numerology
    • overall ~ 22 ~ Master Builder
    • week one ~ 5 ~ change
    • week two ~ 6 ~ higher self, unity, fellowship
    • week three ~ 4 ~ foundation, structure
    • week four ~ 7 ~ magick, shadow side, the balance between

A cursory look tells us that emotions dominate followed by intellect. Absent, however, are any cards reflecting influences of will. We should keep that in mind should the cards indicate any hesitancy or unwillingness to move forward, particularly when considering the overall numerology of 22, the Master Builder. This is a number for creation and will is implied in that process so, the energetic influence of 22 may provide the impetus so tha an active Fire element may not be necessary. The additional four cards from the Major Arcana will provide a soul influence, two Majors appearing in week two in particular.

Week One

Week One begins with influences from the 7 of Vessels (Cups), The Blasted Oak (Tower), and the Knight of Vessels (Cups). The 7 of Vessels is titled, Mourning, and depicts seven vessels, five cups of equal shape and size, a larger offering bowl, more ornate than the others, and a small oil lamp laid out on a stone table. A design-inscribed skull is placed in the crook of a moss covered tree while a reddish sky provides the last bit of light of the day. Here we honor that which has passed, a loved one, or perhaps this is a ritual for letting go of beliefs or situations that no longer serve us. Whatever the scene depicts, ceremony or ritual can be a means to acknowledge a passage into a new phase.

The Blasted Oak appears next replacing The Tower. Another seven energy, we see a man falling to the ground after a bolt of lightning strikes the branch on which he was sitting. Fire appears to burn the shackles away from his hands and feet as he reaches for the ground to break his fall. However, the ground appears unstable, a giant fissure continuing the destruction of all that he knows.

The final card for week one is the Knight of Vessels (Cups). Titled, Eel, an eel moves gracefully through the water of a smooth pond passing by a pointed rock with a sword carved on its face. Protection and chivalry are traditional interpretations of the Knight of Vessels. The Knight is a visionary, both passionate and ruthless, as he protects others, their dreams, their hopes, their future.

The overall numerology for week one is five or change, and certainly, that’s evident with the presence of The Blasted Oak. We are being challenged to look past that which no longer serves, moving on to a new process built on harmony and balanced emotions. We may find ritual useful in this process of letting go and moving on.

Week Two

The Shaman (Magician), 3 of Arrows (Swords), and The Seer (High Priestess) influence week two with two cards from the Major Arcana surrounding a situation that pierces the heart. In this case, the first two cards after the Fool provide a Higher Self focus when dealing with a difficult moment in our lives. The Shaman appears in primal garb, a bearskin serving as his cloak, spirals and other pagan symbols adorning his body and clothing, his staff of power held in his left hand. His tools are laid out on a stone table as he commands the elements and his very life force. He manifests matter by his will, his conscious mind directing creation.

Moving past the 3 of Arrows, we see The Seer (High Priestess), the counterpart to the Shaman, standing before her stone cauldron, a labyrinth visible on one of its legs. She wears a cape of owl feathers depicting wisdom, a crane bag attached to her staff. Her braided hair is adorned with amulets while a brown hood covers her head as the World Tree rises behind her, its roots creating the collective consciousness of humanity. She is the Feminine Divine, possessing secret knowledge, casting her intention into the cauldron’s watery depths. She mediates between Spirit and form, the as above so below nature of life balancing emotion with our physical presence.

Traditional views of the 3 of Arrows (Swords) suggest the same interpretation as the name of the card, Jealousy. Clearly, pain of some kind has been experienced, a drama triangle a possibility here. Three arrows pierce a wooden target in the shape of a flaming heart, blood dripping from each wound. Anger and heartache are felt with this card, and their effect is catalytic.

Both The Shaman and The Seer ask us to rise above the message of the 3 of Arrows and its implied jealousy taking the view of Spirit and the message Higher Self offers in times of great difficulty. We give everything the meaning it has and our reactions define who we are within it. This week we ponder, are we Spirit, or are we ego? Are we giving too much power to illusion, allowing the machinations of others to disturb our balance? An overall numerology of six, or Higher Self influences, provides that answer.

Week Three

Week Three begins with a peaceful scene in the Ace of Vessels (Cups) followed by the Page of Vessels (Cups), and The Mirror (The Hanged Man) signaling a calmer week than perhaps the previous one may have been. On the Ace of Vessels, we see a swan, a small crescent moon-shaped boat depicting a new moon, and a stag drinking from the pond as the waters of life pour forth from a large stone cauldron. The three large standing stones which provide the structure for the cauldron reveal an opening suggesting the mystery of our emotional presence along with our individual and collective awakening. The Ace of Vessels depicts the free-flowing genesis of emotion along with nourishment, abundance, and contentment.

The Page of Vessels, another card of emotion and Elemental Water, is represented as the Otter, describing flexibility balanced with passion. The otter stands at a precipice of sorts, observing the emotional flow of life, waiting for just the right moment to take that leap into new emotions and new experiences.

The Mirror replaces the Hanged Man as the 12th card of the Major Arcana represented by a woman reminiscent of Melusine or the Lady of the Lake. In her serpent form, the Goddess holds a crystal orb in her left hand, a mirror covering her breast in the other. The orb describes the Moon’s mysteries, the mirror representing a window into who we truly are. A heron stays by her side, a small crane bag hanging from its neck while a wrapped body lies in a small boat still tied to an unseen force. An island appears in the distance with three tall trees signaling its presence. The boat waits to transport the body to the island for healing while the woman assists us in our transition to new experiences.

The third week of the month continues our journey of self as The Mirror asks us to look within at who we are, asking again the question, are we Spirit, or are we ego in our dealings with others? With an overall numerology of four, or structure and foundation, we are learning the true nature of self, one that derives its essence from Spirit. It’s awareness so ancient that many have forgotten its truth, however, we’re in a time of awakening, of transformation, and The Mirror is here to guide that process of alignment in our own Source Presence. The Ace speaks of new beginnings while the Page suggests we’re ready for anything.

Week Four

The Ace of Arrows (Swords), King of Stones (Pentacles), and the 6 of Arrows (Swords) comprise the cards for week four providing a more intellectual approach this week to mundane matters. From the accompanying text, we know that the shape depicted on the Ace of Arrows is the outline of the head of the Uffington White Horse (a full picture follows), an ancient chalk carving into a hill located in Oxfordshire, England. Titled The Breath of Life, we see an arrow rising from the horse’s gleaming eye, shining and brilliant while a stream of consciousness rises from its mouth. Legend says that if one stands on the eye and makes a wish, wisdom is gained and the wish will be granted. Traditional interpretations of the Ace of Arrows involve an actively invoked force and the ability to cut through illusion.

Moving to the King of Stones, otherwise known as the Wolf in the Wildwood Tarot, we see a wolf standing on a snowy outcropping, howling at the full moon above. The King is protective and self-disciplined, guarding the Wildwood as the day ends. He is productive and responsible, providing a measure of security for all in his charge.

We end the fourth week of March with the 6 of Arrows (Swords) and a movement into Higher Self awareness. Six swords point to the center of a wind-blown sail as a cloaked figure steers a swan-shaped boat into uncharted waters. A large full moon rises in the emerging night sky, the setting sun still visible on the horizon. New possibilities await the individual as the boat moves onward across the water. Additional interpretations involve success after challenge and a positive future.

Ideally, this is a week where we can explore new ideas and new experiences. We’ve moved past fear and we’re embarking upon something new and with an overall numerology of seven, we’ll be keeping our emotions in balance with our intellect.

March appears to be a month where we’ll be focusing upon an inner journey toward awakening. We’ll be challenged by difficult emotions that we are asked to rise above, perhaps considering a new perspective in the process. We’re asked to look within at how we see the world and our place in it releasing emotions which no longer serve. As we utilize the creative energy of 22, the reading’s overall numerology, to rebuild our perceptions, that release, that return to balance, will allow us to move forward into new experiences with determination and joy.

Until next month…

Blessings to all!

Uffington White Horse (Wikipedia)


  1. Uffington White Horse. Wikipedia. 2019.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson

Written by 

Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!