Full Flower Blue Moon Tarot ~ 18 May 2019

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It’s been an exhausting week for women in the US. Tomorrow, the Full Flower Moon appears in the sky, in her Maiden aspect this evening bringing light and illumination to our lives. And if that’s not enough, it’s also a Blue Moon. From the Old Farmer’s Almanac:

Although a Blue Moon is commonly defined as the “second full Moon to occur within a single calendar month,” this is not the traditional meaning of the term. Originally, a Blue Moon was the third of four full Moons to occur within one astronomical season.

According to this definition, May’s Full Flower Moon is a Blue Moon this year! This is thanks to the timing of the March full Moon, which occurred on the same day as the Spring Equinox, and the upcoming June full Moon, which occurs just a few days prior to the Summer Solstice, making the May full Moon the third full Moon in the season of spring.

~ Old Farmer’s Almanac

Now, some witches believe that a Blue Moon, irrespective of how you define it, holds more power than a normal Full Moon. I happen to be one of those witches simply because the occurrence of a Blue Moon is considered to be rare. And during such a moon, it’s nice to focus that additional energy for workings of great importance. And given the ongoing attack on the reproductive rights of women in this country, I believe that qualifies.

I’m beginning the working today in the Maiden phase of the Full Flower Moon with a tarot reading which may give me a direction for the remainder of my working. I’ll likely end the working on Sunday, during the Crone phase with a binding of some kind, either by using knot magick or by creating and consecrating a bindrune. On Saturday, during the Full Moon, I’ll be performing several chants including one for drawing down the Moon, raising energy and power, and casting the intention of Goddess Presence rising in all with the additional intention of revealing truth. We’re witnessing the last vestiges of patriarchy and its destructive and divisive effect. A magickal working may be just what we need to toss what’s left of that oppression into the abyss. A slight nudge, a thought cast to the wind, a suggestion for something else…

The tarot reading consists of six cards and has some interesting patterns contained within its structure. I’m using the Hermetic Tarot deck and a cursory look shows three cards from the Major Arcana and three from the Minor Arcana. Pentacles (Earth, Foundation/Financial Security), Wands (Fire, Will/Creativity), and Swords (Air, Intellect/Reason). Although a numerical balance exists between the Major (Soul/Spirit) and Minor (physical matters) cards, Spirit has a greater influence. But let’s look at the patterns that stand out.

  • Death (card 13), The Hanged Man (card 12), and The Chariot (card 7): numerological pattern involving Death (4) and The Hanged Man (3) combining to make 7, aligning with the Chariot (7). Transition, alignment in Higher Self leading to balanced energy exchange.
  • If looking at the reading in levels, The Hanged Man and 4 of Wands comprise the second level with The Chariot as the third. The Hanged Man (3) and the 4 of Wands (4) combine to make 7 aligning again with the Chariot (7). Seven is about both divinity and balance.
  • The upper level of cards reduces to 5 as does the combination of levels two and three. Five represents change and fulfillment, also protection.
  • A progression exists with the 4, 5,6, and 7 and if looking at the reduced values of each card, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Suggests we’re not through yet.
  • The overall numerology is 11, aligning with the 5 of Pentacles and the 6 of Wands. Eleven is the Master Number for illumination, and we’re certainly in the midst of that.

Whenever I see patterns it describes the various combined energies in a reading and for this spread, we certainly have a bunch of them. The suit of Cups is absent from the reading, however, Elemental Water is present in each of the cards from the Major Arcana. And rather than looking at each level, because of the patterns that exist, I’m going to look at each card individually and go from there.

Death, titled the Child of the Great Transformers, begins the reading suggesting transition and rebirth. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes in the upper left-hand corner of the card, women will have to do so again as patriarchal forces are potentially upending our lives. The Reaper’s scythe pierces a large skull while a serpent is worn by another skull like a hat. Broken bones litter the scene while a scorpion wanders about.

The 5 of Pentacles, a card of Taurus in Mercury, is titled the Lord of Material Trouble and describes how women are forced into the position of losing their sovereignty as their fundamental right to choose what happens to their bodies is taken away. We see two dying flowers, petals falling from each one suggesting loss and a lack of balance. Horns and wings surround the center disk representing Taurus and Mercury suggesting that stubborn pride is at the heart of this oppression.

Two hands display six ornate wands on the 6 of Wands suggesting pride found in victory. Flames rise from small clouds revealing the winner. A card of Jupiter in Leo, the 6 of Wands describes an expansive future, possibly representing the initial legislative victories over a woman’s right to choose. Titled the Lord of Victory, although we may not win all victories along the way, in the end, victory will be ours.

Spiritual balance is described by The Hanged Man titled Spirit of the Mighty Waters. A man hangs upside down from a tree branch. A card of triplicities, the Hanged Man is a card of Elemental Water, of the Spirit within. We see the glyph for Water along with Neptune’s trident with a hexagram emblazoned on the man’s right buttock. Rays extend downward from his head into physical form and could the square grid-like pattern symbolize the veil between Spirit and matter? A detailed Rose Cross appears on the top left while a reversed Ankh appears on the top right signaling the presence of Higher Self energies. Perhaps some enlightenment will be gained here by those plagued by confusion. Otherwise, The Hanged Man represents the collective alignment necessary to right the ship.

We see the same theme in the 4 of Wands that we saw in the 6 of Wands where a hand grips a round disk-like object which gathers together four ornate wands. A card of Venus in Aries, a ram’s head appears on two wands while the head of a swan appears on the two others while flames rise up from the ground to light the center point. Titled the Lord of Perfected Work, the 4 of Wands suggests accomplishment, completion, balance, and harmony, perhaps influenced by enlightenment, harmony, and cohesion gained with the Hanged Man.

We end the reading with The Chariot, a card of Cancer and Elemental Water describing balanced energy exchange, or when to surrender versus when to take control. And if anyone is confused at this point, women will NOT surrender, ever. It suggests that we persevere through conflict and adversity irrespective of the outcome and to know that we are well-prepared for what is to come.

Perhaps the transition felt in Death is because of what’s happening now. The reproductive rights of women in this country should have been settled with Roe v. Wade, yet every day another state legislature is enacting draconian abortion laws, turning women into criminals who seek a procedure that has been legal for decades. One state has even decided that women can be arrested if they travel out of state for the abortion. And as for the men involved, nothing. Not their problem.

As the Full Flower Blue Moon enters her Maiden phase, let this tarot reading serve as a blueprint to know that our efforts to preserve our fundamental rights and sovereignty will not be in vain. We will triumph over the continued oppressive machinations of the patriarchy. Women will prevail and we will finally receive the respect we deserve. Those who wish to oppress will be struck down at every turn.

We’ve been here before and we will not go back, ever. Tomorrow, as we draw down the Moon’s loving presence, let us raise our voices in unison, stand in our own power, and reject those who would harm and oppress us and declare that we will not agree, we will not stand down, that we will rise, and be victorious!

And then during the Crone phase, if a witch feels so inclined, work your influence in whatever manner preferred to put the final lid, so to speak, on the abuse and oppression women have endured for so long.

Full Moon Blessings to all of my Sisters! We are powerful. We are One. We are Women and we will NOT be denied!


  1. Erickson, Jan. Witch Notes.
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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!