Bindrune of the Day: Thurisaz, Raidho, Laguz

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Thurisaz Raidho Laguz bindrune

Everything we do is in relation to our awakening. Choosing to align with Source rather than the ego speeds up this process. A Course in Miracles refers to this process as collapsing time. What is meant by this is as we awaken to our Truth, alignment with Source eliminates the influence of the ego, which keeps us bound to our perceptions of physicality. With the goal of awakening, as we stay vigilant in our alignment with Source, the process happens more quickly. Divination tools such as Runes, help reinforce that alignment with Source by giving us something to think about as we engage with others while we go about our day.

I chose a landscape spread today from which I created a bindrune. Essentially the same as a sigil, bindrunes are fun to create and contain the energy of the spread by combining together in a visual representation the runes you cast. Carry the bindrune as a talisman to remember it’s meaning while it blesses your awakening. Anything can be used, even something as simple as the bindrune drawn on a small square of paper. I typically use wood cut from tree branches around my property, although small stones or shells work as well. Willow and apple are among my favorites, along with hawthorn, cherry and juniper. I use a wood burner to enscribe the runes onto each piece, after which I bless and empower each of them. Although I didn’t make them, I’m using my favorite set of runes made from moonstone for the casting today.

For today’s bindrune, I drew Thurisaz, Raidho, and Laguz. Thurisaz represents protection and overcoming danger. Raidho represents both travel and our inner journey in life. In the final position, Laguz represents our emotional state, psychic power and is known as the female rune.

Thurisaz is the catalyst for change. It encourages us to let go of what no longer serves, remaining in alignment with Source. Observing, rather than absorbing the energy around you, is the strategy Thurisaz suggests as a protection from the ego’s tendency to revel in drama. We become far too caught up in the pettiness of this collective illusion we call the world. Thurisaz reminds us that our true protection is in our alignment with Source and to see the Holy Spirit in all.

The inner journey we take is reflected in Raidho, the traveler’s rune. Raidho encourages us to be honest and ethical in our engagement with others, and to understand that while we’re all on our own spiritual journeys, we’re bound to each other, in sync, like the horse and it’s rider. Raidho suggests there is a balance to everything. It represents cosmic order, right thinking, and living in harmony..with the self, others and the world.

Laguz, a Water Element rune, brings our emotional state into play. Balance, love, healing, intuition all make up the energies of Laguz. But more than that, Laguz is about going with the flow of Source. Again, it’s about alignment and balance, and not letting the ego supersede our true Reality. Living in harmony, observing excellence in all things involves staying in that flow and not becoming distracted by the very drama that removes our focus from Truth, placing it instead on the machinations of the ego.

The bindrune I created reflects then the energy of alignment with Source. Envision yourself as the conduit of love between Gaia and Source Energy, for that is what each of us is. Do our actions bring harmony, or do they bring chaos? Are we aligning with Source, or the ego? Remaining in alignment with Source suggests the harmony we all seek. Carry the bindrune with you, meditate on its message as you journey toward awakening.

~Blessed Be the Runes!


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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!