Gemini Moon ~ 26-29 July 2019

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The Moon travels into chatty Gemini and the 2nd House of possessions and self-worth at 11:29 PM PDT on 26 July 2019. Issues of self-worth over the next few days surround the acquisition of possessions and our choice of work. We also derive emotional satisfaction from stimulating interactions with others. The chart is below:

Chart Information

  • Mode/Quality – initiating Cardinal energies provide the strongest influence.
  • Elements – Elemental Fire supports the Cardinal quality of experience with the remaining elements essentially in balance.
  • Rays – 1st (will/power) and 7th (Ceremonial order/magick) align with Elemental Fire and initiating new experiences in an organized manner.
  • Sign – Leo (self-confidence, generosity, leadership skills) and Capricorn (structured, reliable, self-disciplined) provide the expression of the Elemental, Ray, and Mode influences.
  • Houses – 4th (endings, father figures, home); 5th (creative expression, children) – suggest finding a creative outlet around the home
  • Aspects of the Moon
    • Sextile the Sun – Orb 3°57′ Applying suggests energy available for effective self-expression.
    • Sextile Venus – Orb 0°59′ Separating – social experiences and interactions are favored. Charm comes naturally.
    • Opposition Ceres – Orb 0°46′ Applying – interactions with women may be challenged over the next few days. Use any insight gained during Ceres’s recent retrograde influence to inform communications.
    • Semisquare the North Node/Sesquisquare the South Node – Orb 1°35′ Applying suggests that although we may experience struggle, we learn from those experiences.
  • Human Design/I Ching – 7/27 ~ The Channel of the Alpha is active reinforcing the 1st Ray of Will/Power and Elemental Fire; Gate 35 Line 3 Collaboration indicating the understanding of shared purpose and collaboration; 7/28 ~ The Channel of Openness is active aligning with Gemini’s social influence; Gate 12 Line 5 The Pragmatist suggests the energy for a practical approach aligning well with Capricorn’s influence.
  • Retrograde – Jupiter (inward focus), Pluto (dealing with karmic debt), and Saturn (revisit old issues, inward discipline), Neptune (a focus on the spiritual versus the mundane, remain in observer/Higher Self mode), Mercury (disruptions in thinking, plans, electronics).
  • Lunar Phase – Disseminating, waning.


Aspects and Influences

With Leo influencing overall, as well as the Channel of the Alpha, it makes sense that confident self-expression is favored, however, charm may take us only so far with the women in our lives. Given the Moon’s current opposition with Ceres, avoid a pushy attitude if interacting with female friends or family focusing instead on respect and a collaborative approach. This will be especially important if work provides the setting for our interactions over the next few days where respect for others is required.

If input from others is respected, the experience should be stimulating and productive. A practical approach may also help. Fortunately, the Moon’s nodes help us to learn from our experiences, so even if challenges arise, we should be self-aware enough to handle them.


Home projects that provide an outlet for collaborative efforts are also favored over the next few days. In fact, make it a get-together. Focus on the fun of it all and you never know what you’ll accomplish!

Magickal Workings

Since we have some practical Capricorn energy in play right now, let’s take a look at some correspondences to help structure any magickal workings over the next few days.

Saturday magicks utilize Saturn’s slower energies to work bindings and other restrictive magicks. Capricorn is Saturn’s sign, Earth its element, North its direction, and brown and black are Saturn’s colors. Witches working magicks on Saturn-day invoke the power To Keep Silence using the receptive energetic presence as the foundation for workings concerning the purification of home and hearth.


Saturn’s stones include onyx, jet, jade, emerald, sapphire, and smoky quartz assisting the witch in magicks that ground and center. And if working herb magick, pine needles may be burned in the cauldron to ward off negative energies or influences.

Sunday magicks employ the Leo influence casting intentions for success and protection, good health and self-confidence. The Sun governs Sun-day with Fire as its element and gold and yellow its colors. Its direction is South, its power To Will utilizing a projective focus. Herb magicks can include mints, marjoram, and bay leaves. In fact, if working a protection spell, the subject’s name (if a person) may be written on a bay leaf and burned in a cauldron to drive away evil intention.


Additional magicks can be worked on Sunday involve prosperity, health, self-confidence, and removing obstacles. Emerald and bloodstone can be useful on the altar or workspace as is burning frankincense or sandalwood.

Final Thoughts

Women have had a difficult time over the last several years, especially those who are survivors of sexual assault. Triggers occur daily now and will likely ramp up as the current occupant of the White House begins to realize the jig’s up as they say. We know who he is now, or at least we know enough, and his attacks on the vulnerable may increase.

This is why protection magicks should be worked from this point forward to strengthen those that peace eludes. It’s all by design and that’s where a witch works best: when arrogance can no longer continue and things need to be set right.


And to the fool on his golden throne, hate and division will never survive the love that we all share. It’s that simple. And since you’ve made it necessary, witches will set things right. It’s who we are. It’s what we do. It’s what we’ve always done.

And we’re not going away.

Until next time…

Lunar Blessings!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!