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After hearing the toddler in the White House call a beloved Congressman racist, I decided that I had heard enough. But then I read that the toddler and his minions are considering taking food stamp assistance away from approximately three million people. And if that wasn’t enough, today I see that he’s taking away Meals on Wheels from vulnerable seniors out of a sense of compassion.

Compassion? Really? Does everyone in this administration see everything in the opposite? Love equals hate? Separating children from their parents, jailing everyone in concentration camps equals compassion? Creating food insecurity is compassionate? I used to work for an Area Agency on Aging and one of the services we provided to seniors was Meals on Wheels. The senior centers in our area were tasked with meal preparation and volunteers arrived daily to take meals to seniors who were housebound.


My mother received Meals on Wheels after her last hospitalization. She lived three hours away from us and my husband cooked single portion meals for her while I was a work, freezing them ahead of our taking them to her. He made cookies as well but until we could get there, a volunteer from Meals on Wheels stopped by every day with both lunch and dinner. She could handle breakfast on her own, but the other meals would have been too much for her, so she was grateful for the help. It made all the difference after she returned home.

And that’s the point. When life goes sideways, it’s nice that help is available. Something as simple as a friendly face offering a meal matters to someone who cannot fend for themselves. To reduce funding for such a necessary program is cruel. But then as so many are saying now, the cruelty is the point.


It’s difficult to believe that this is where we are now, as we watch in horror as he destroys the safety and security of our citizens. The toddler still wants to take away the Affordable Care Act. He claims he’s draining the swamp, but in truth, he’s filling it with people as callous and degenerate as he is. Impeachment won’t work because those in his party refuse to care for our country. The Senate won’t vote to support impeachment and until that changes, we’re stuck with this lunatic.

The question is, what will our country look like when this idiot is finally removed from office? Will we all heave a collective sigh of relief, roll up our sleeves, and get to work righting the ship? Or will we be unable to even look each other in the eye, too angry and fed up to work with those who put him there?


I don’t know the answer to that question but I have a feeling that the country may fall somewhere in the middle understanding that we have to work together and then grudgingly doing so. Americans tend to do that sort of thing, even in times of great stress.

But here’s the most astonishing part of this for me. The Republicans aren’t doing anything to stop this idiot. How is that even possible? Have they all been this way all along? Maybe I missed something here, but it seemed that up until the Democrats took back the White House with the election of Barack Obama, Democrats and Republicans could and did work together. There was a foundation or standard that no one seemed to trample on. Although there was always an outlier in both parties, we could count on most Republicans to stay within a common set of boundaries. We could count on the same with Democrats as well.


But since the 2016 presidential election, any collegial relationship the parties shared has been challenged by a lunatic at the helm. I recognize nothing about the Republicans now. Maybe it was the grievance-based Tea Party influence that brought us to where we are now. Or at least it provided the direction that other outside influences may have capitalized on and now our government looks nothing like the democracy that preceded it.

It feels like our country has been sold to the highest bidder and that everything we’ve held sacred is lost. I know eventually, that will change, but until that time, our country will suffer the longer the racist-in-chief stands ready to upend it all.

Until next time…and sadly…there will be one…

Blessings to all!

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Thank you... Jan Erickson

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Someday I'll figure out how to put this in a word cloud... Author ~ Empath ~ Solitary Witch ~ BA Psychology ~ Married 43 years ~ Survivor ~ Mom ~ 2 sons ~ Grandmother ~ former Kenpo Black Belt/Instructor ~ Homeschooling ~ Retired Motorcycle Shop co-owner ~ Medical Cannabis Patient/Activist ~ Liberal. That I can still form coherent thought is truly amazing!